Brand Dharma : What's Coming Next.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word with a wide import of meaning.​ ​It could be described as Righteousness, Duty, Responsibility, Virtue, Goodness and so on.

In today’s dynamic world the tag “Brand” is no longer restricted to denote a product or a service.​ ​Some of the biggest brands are people today.​ ​At the same time, a younger and more demanding audience is looking for far more than mere product attributes.

They are increasingly inquiring whether a manufacturer is an equal opportunities employer.​ ​Whether raw materials are sourced locally.​ ​Whether finished goods are manufactured in decent environs.​ ​Whether production is endangering our atmosphere and water.​ ​Whether our celebrities are walking the talk.

So every Brand has to live by a Dharma. And we are delving into what’s coming next in that all-important space.

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